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Update Time: 26 Jul 2024 01:31GMT


Intra-day rally fm a fresh 2-1/2 month trough of
151.95 to 154.19 on US data suggests recent decline
fm Jul's 38-year 161.96 peak has made a temoprary
bottom n present retreat wud yield consolidation b4
heading to 154.37/40, then 154.55/65 b4 pullback.

Trade fm long side for 154.05 n only below 153.
00/10 risks 152.70/75, below, 152.35/40, 151.95.
Rate: +154.15+
Strategy: +Target met+
Position: Long at 153.25
Objective: +154.15+
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MARKET REVIEW ON 26 Jul 2024 02:12 GMT

Dollar ends slightly changed ahead of U.S. PCE due Friday

The following currency report was taken from LSEG : 
The yen was poised for its strongest week in nearly three months on Friday as traders unwound their long-held bets against the frail currency ahead of crucial U.S. inflation data that could cement rate cut expectations. 
The yen has dominated the currency markets this month, surging to a near three-month high of 151.945 per dollar on Thursday after starting the month languishing at 38-year lows of 161.96 per dollar. 
The large move follows suspected interventions from Tokyo in early July that ...
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All times in GMT    
25 Jul 2024 08:22 EUR/USD - 1.0849... LSEG reported German business morale unexpectedly fell in July, a survey showed on Thursday. 
The Ifo institute said its business climate index sank to 87.0 in July from 88.6 in June, compared with a reading of 88.9 forecast by analysts in a Reuters poll. 
25 Jul 2024 08:22 EUR/USD - 1.0848... LSEG reported German business morale unexpectedly fell in July, amid increasing pessimism about the performance of Europe's largest economy, a survey of around 9,000 managers showed on Thursday. 
The Ifo institute said its business climate index sank to 87.0 in July from 88.6 in .....
24 Jul 2024 14:54 USD/CAD - 1.3787... LSEG news, Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem speaks at press conference and says : 
- we don't need more excess supply, we need growth and job creation to start picking up 
- there was a clear consensus to cut by 25 bps 
- monetary policy is still restrictive 
- we don't want to .....
News items above are time-delayed, to get the latest news, please try our Trial offer.


All times in GMT    
Time Country Indicator Actual Forecast Range Previous Revised
2330 Japan Tokyo Core CPI YY - Jul 2.2% 2.2% 2.1/2.5 2.1%
2330 Japan Tokyo CPI YY - Jul 2.2% N/A N/A 2.3%
0500 Japan Leading Indicator R - May 0.3 N/A N/A 0.2
0645 France Consumer Confidence - Jul 91 90 88/91 89 90
0800 Italy Mfg Business Confidence - Jul 87.6 87.0 86.0/89.0 86.8
0800 Italy Consumer Confidence - Jul 98.9 98.0 96.5/99.0 98.3
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Update Time: 22 Jul 2024 13:12 GMT

USD/JPY - 156.78

Despite dollar's rally from last Thur's 1-month low at 155.38 to 157.86 Fri, subsequent selloff to 156.29 today suggests recovery has ended and re-test of 155.38 would be seen after consolidation, break extends recent decline to 155.13/15, then 154.56/62 before up.  
On the upside, a daily close above 157.15/20 would yield fain back towards 157.61 (Asia), above, 157.86/89.
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All times in GMT    
Last Update At 01/11/2023 02:25 GMT
Trend Daily Chart Daily Indicators 21 HR EMA 55 HR EMA
Up Bearish divergence 151.06 150.48
Trend Hourly Chart Hourly Indicators 13 HR RSI 14 HR DMI
Up Easing fm overbought 60 +ve
Daily Analysis
One more rise b4 correction
Resistance Support
152.20 - Equality of 147.38-150.77 fm 148.81
151.94 - Oct 2022 32-year high
151.72 - Tue's fresh 1-year high
151.07 - Hourly chart
150.64 - Tue's NY low
150.08 - Tue's European low
USD/JPY - 151.25..Dlr found buying interest at 149.03 in Aust. on Tue n price jumped to 150.10 in Asia on BOJ's dovish hold. The pair later rallied to a fresh 1-year 151.72 peak in NY on rally in US yields b4 retreating. . On the bigger picture, dlr's spectacular rally fm 2011 historic 75.32 low (Mar) due to coordinated yen-selling intervention by G7 central banks to weaken the yen in th.....
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